This blog doesn't have doctrinaire pretensions. All that is here posted, humbly aims to share the knowledge that was given to us by great souls, especially the biggest Master that came to this planet, Jesus Christ. Hoping that in my search for spiritual illumination, I am able to share with others what brings me inner comfort.


És filho de Deus e fazes parte da vida que pulsa no Universo.
Coloca tua mente acima das dores que te ferem o coração. Se fatigado, descansa na prece, onde poderás aurir energias novas. Confia no Pai e segue em frente sem medo.

No final, tudo passa,  restando sempre as bençãos do Mais Alto, que nos envolvem hoje e por toda a imortalidade, onde todos nos estaremos juntos novamente.
Mensagens de Scheilla

You are one of  God´s child and part of the life that beats in the  Universe.
Put your mind above the pain that crushes your heart. If tired, rest in the prayers, where you can find new strength. Trust in our Celestial Father and go on without fear.

At the end, all pain fades away, but the blessings from Above remain, involving us today and for all immortality, where we´ll be all together again.

Messages of Scheilla

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